Love, Death and Robots
This series shines a light on how technology has and will continue to take over our world, quite literally. The first clip we watched was called "Three Robots". They were placed in a world where humans didn't exist, and they were experiencing human things for the first time. They referred to food as ""fusion batteries" and a basketball as an "entertainment sphere". They didn't know what a cat was and thought it was going to explode on them. They made fun of humans and thought they were better. Humans were not supposed to last forever, and the robots made sure of that by taking over.
Even though robots seem so helpful, like the waitress robot in "Three Robots: Exit Strategies" they can also be harmful and have defects, just like humans do. In the "automated customer service" the vacubot was a high-tech vacuum cleaner for the house, who later turned on the owner of the house and went after her and her dog. When she tried to call the company to know what to do with the robot there was an extremely long wait for human customer service she was stuck with an automated one who didn't even help her.
Not only does this series show us how technology can both help and harden us, but it also informed us about new technological advancements. In the episode, "Pop squad" there was a flying car, and in "Beyond the Aquila rift" when three astronauts were trying to go home they went inside a tube that let out oxygen liquid. This could be a new advancement in the future, considering they have already tested this on rats. This could help astronauts in the future because the space air could be too harsh on the human body. This episode also showed how robots could get into each other's heads and showed how robots can make mistakes as well, just like the routing problem they faced.
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