
The movie Metropolis is a silent movie providing an insight into how life was after World War One. It shows the division between the working class and the higher class. The working class is trapped underground working extremely hard in order to make the city great and up and running. This film was produced in the the1920s, which was when there were a lot of diversity problems and the working class worked very hard to fix the city for Fredersen, who was in charge of the City. They were mostly traumatized germans, who were working to reboot the economy. Most of the higher class was unaware of what was keeping their city running. A woman Maria came to their beautiful garden and showed the higher class who the poor working class was and how they looked. Freder, who is Fredersen's son felt bad for them and wanted to switch positions with them. He believed it was unfair for a group of people to be locked up underground and just work just so they, the rich, can live a happy life. He got mad at his father and went underground to join the working class. There was a robot made to be Maria with the intent of convincing the workers to rebel and fight against Fredersen. Yes, you heard me right. Fredersen WANTED those in the depths to go against him. He believed it would make him look better, and make him seem more needed if they rebelled because the world would have seen how bad they needed him and how much he has helped their city. Except, quite the opposite happened. Since Freder joined the other side, he was stuck in the middle of both groups, but still decided to help the working class, which led to a successful revolution. 

The main theme in this movie is that everyone should be unified and equal. The entire movie showed two different classes, and how unfair and unjust the roles were. At the end of the movie when they shook hands it was a sign of unison and togetherness. It showed that there is in fact hope for one group instead of being divided into two. 

The set design, architecture, and the way the images were presented were very impressive and helped convey the theme and moral of the whole movie. The facial expressions and arm movements were also major factors that helped us understand what was going on since it was a silent movie. The robot seemed so lively in the movie. The face and body looked as if it was a real woman. She was also under an inverted star which symbolizes evil. The city looked extremely impressive and showed how hard the workers had worked in order to make all the buildings look like that. It also looked futuristic and modern. The scene where Freder joined the working class displayed how terrible the working conditions are. Right when he walked in there, there was a cloud of smoke displaying the bad air quality. There was also a lot of set design that matched how people were feeling. The backgrounds would look dreary just like how the workers felt. 


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