Ignorance is power (The Matrix)

After listening to both sides of the debate, I would still choose my side, and take the blue pill instead of the red pill. The blue pill is given to the people who choose to be unaware of the matrix and continue their life, and the red pill allows you to go experience outside of the matrix and find out the truth about reality. Yes, finding out the truth might sound important, and better, but it is simply not. The people who take the blue pill live in blissful ignorance, and don’t experience the matrix, they won't even know about the other world, and are they really in a stimulation if they don’t even know about it? It is easier being ignorant and living in peace than knowing more than you need to and living in danger and possibly dying. I would rather live like a normal person in my own world and own bed, and not even know about the matrix. In Love death and robots, the character wanted to go back into the stimulation after finding out the truth since it made him happier. He regretted finding out the reality right after, and he wished he never did. Why fix something that isn't broken? We won't know any better, and if our life is going fine why not just leave it alone and continue living it to our fullest. Once you take the red pill there is no going back, and you will know everything. You cannot go back and change your decision, and after taking the pill, you will probably want to undo it and wish you never knew anything because of how complicated and confusing it can be.  


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